So in my last blog, i mentioned how when we don't know the answers to a test we just kinda draw pictures and what not.... maybe that's just me. Mr. Knowles even gave me points for it a few times but i digress hahah.

Anyway... Apparently tests and scantrons aren't the only canvas of my liking. haha

You can find these drawings and others like these ones all over my desk at work. What can i say? Sometime work gets boring.... hahah
I'm curious to know who else does this? Because i KNOWWW im not the only one. So feel free to out-do me and post some better stuff, because i wanna see it.
Peace, Love and Ink pens.
(oh yea... these aren't all exactly my originals...i just got inspired and threw my own twist on 'em. But if you're into good drawings you should definately check out Erin Ruiz)
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